How to Build Wind Power Free with this Earth 4 Energy Package

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Barrel of Oil Really Jumped

Yesterday the price of a barrel of oil went up 11.00 in one day which is a record breaking jump. The price of a barrel of oil had been dropping a little
the last couple of days before.
I am beginning to wonder if the countries we buy oil from are trying to
ruin us from the inside instead of an out an out attack. With Iran acting up from all I have heard, if something happens there the price of oil will shoot through the roof as they supply something like 1/4 of all the oil we buy.
The price of oil is hurting us all but will really hurt the folks that
are on social security that are going to have to use oil to heat their homes
this next winter. This is wrong as these people have worked and earned the
right to enjoy life and they will not be able to enjoy life if it costs triple to heat their home.
Time to start drilling here at home. Take the power out of their hands.

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