How to Build Wind Power Free with this Earth 4 Energy Package

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cap and Trade Bill may be Expensive

I have been doing a lot of reading, trying to get a handle on this
Cap and Tax bill, so as to define the real costs to us, American Families.

The results went from 175.00 year or .02% of our yearly income, to,
7000.00 per year. But this study that was done was for the year 2020.

I would dearly love to believe the 175.00 theory, but common sense
tells me that is way low. I also believe the 7000.00 could be high, or at least I hope so.

We as innovative Americans, need to be prepared for the worst possible
scenario. We can help ourselves and our neighbors if we want to.

How about we have a look into the future on your egg thing
that you buy in the morning for breakfast on the way to work. The
cost now 2.50, I am just using a number here, you can put in your
own when you start figuring the costs.
Now the farmer that is growing
feed for those chickens has to irrigate his fields, and to power his pumps
he is using electricity. The grain mill uses power to make the grain into chicken feed.
The chicken grower is using this same type of power
to raise the young chicks to adults, now the egg producing farmer is
using power to feed the chickens, clean the eggs run lights, heaters, and so on.
Okay, we got the egg and now it still has be kept cool and then cooked and served.
By the time this is all done, it is not going to be chicken feed any longer,
(pun intended).

Now I didn't add in all the rising costs on all the other things that go with shipping, storing
and more.
In other words, everything that we consume is going to go up.

I guess I will say it again, start getting more independant from the Power
companies, get your wind or solar power station set up today.
There are good tax breaks invoved.

1 comment:

donkeyjo said...

The only purpose of this bill is for the government to gain more control where there should only be free enterprise. The economic effects can only be devastating. Let your senator know you are opposed to this bill. Most senators have web sites, e-mail them and let your voice be heard. We can't afford this kind of control, for us or our children. Global warming propaganda is a hoax look it up on google,besides plain old common sense there are real scientists out there that can prove it.