How to Build Wind Power Free with this Earth 4 Energy Package

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Free Power Supressed

The Idea and the reality of being able to
produce your own electrical power has been
denied and covered up by the big power
companies. These companies that provide
us the power for our homes would like us
think that producing our own power is
impossible. They are WRONG.

We can create our own power in several
different ways.

By building solar panels we can produce
our own power using the sun.

Windmills is another way to to do the same.
Let the wind blow and save on your electric bill.

My favorite is the magnetic generator.
This is almost perpetual motion in action.
These units that you can build cheaply, will run indefinitely
using less power than they produce, and will lower
or eliminate your power bill depending on the size
that you go with.

Good for the earth and savings to you.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Solar Energy moving Up

Solar energy consumption is on the increase. That's the information coming from governments and international watchdogs, and it's also a trend you can follow in the stock market. What's more, not only is there a greater demand for solar power, but the range of solar products available to the marketplace is diversifying rapidly.

Any experienced business person will tell you that this marks the start of a boom in the industry, and that a period of rapid growth can be expected to follow. With that in mind, can you afford to wait before you get involved?

Getting ahead of solar trends and getting involved in this growing business is something you can do at many levels. For the casual investor, there are many promising solar product manufacturers whose share prices are on the rise.

There are also charitable initiatives, giving you the opportunity to make a financial investment at the same time as investing in the future of third world communities for whom solar energy can be a lifesaving resource. And, of course, there's direct investment in solar products - getting your home and business ready for a new, brighter age. As our planet teeters on the brink of environmental crisis, it's important for individuals to show leadership and make the change to solar energy so that others are encouraged to do likewise.

In the past, investing in solar energy has been a precarious way to manage your money. Every business person knows that the financial success of an industry depends not only on the value of its products but also on the faith with customers and other investors place in it.

Now that solar energy companies are really starting to be taken seriously, with solar trends on the rise across a broad spectrum of products, it's not only safe to go solar with your money, it's the smart thing to do. If you really want to make an investment which will benefit both you and the planet, now's the time to do it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cap and Trade Bill Dead

This Cap and Trade bill that passed
congress and is headed to the senate
will probably not get any further.

From what I have been reading in the news,
34 votes is all that the Democrats can
come up with, and that is a far cry from
the 60 votes needed to pass this bill.

Now who knows for sure, there will be
lots of backdoor deals, and some rewrites,
concessions and whatever else to keep this
bill going, or at least a chance to come back.

I am tired of all the lies from the Top
on down, but the one thing I am sure of,the
cost to have and use power in your home is
going to go up. All the power companies that
would be affected by this cap and trade bill
will start charging more to make up the cost
of upgrading their power plants just in case
this type of bill comes up again. They do
not wanna be caught unprepared.

This is still the time to start
building your own Solar or Wind power

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tax Credits for Alternative Energy

Upgrading your home to be more self sufficient
with Alternative Power can be a good write off
on your taxes.

Making alternative power improvements
to your home should pay for themselves
in about 4 years. Now there is another
way to go about getting them to pay

The Solar plans, windmill
plans and more can be bought,
and are complete.

You can build these alternative energy
producing units yourself, and you can do
this cheaply.

Just for an example, start small with
a solar hot water heater, and you will see
the savings on your next electric or gas bill.

Might as well give it a look before it is forced
upon you.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Solar or Wind Power is it Worth it?

In todays economy we have to watch the
money we spend to save us money. This is
going to be true for a long time to come
in all our choices, from healthcare, vehicles
we buy, to the type of power we use.

Wind and solar power are getting alot of
attention these days due to the worry over
climate change and air polution, plus the
cap and trade bill which is going to require
alot of changes in the way we produce power.

We, myself included, need to look at becoming
more self sufficient in our personal lives.

I am not really talking about going green,
which actually fits in, but just plain and simple,
saving money on your electric and or gas bill.

I would not go and invest 15 or 20 grand on
a big power producing windmill, it will take to
long to see any money saved. The alternative is
to build your own power source, Windmill or Solar
and just cut your dependancy on the big companies.

This building your own power source is inexpensive
and anyone can do it.

The materials needed to do this are local,
and you can be experiencing a very good feeling
when you see your power bill cut in 1/2 or more.

Remember, there is going to be more tax
on power, plus the regular increases from
the power companies.

Yes it will be Worth the time and money.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cap and Trade Bill what's the Cost?

The Cap and Trade bill that is 1200 pages long
is going to affect our lives in a way that is going
to get expensive and not produce positive results
from the monies.

With all of the talk about how little this
will cost each household is incorrect. We are
going to end up paying in more ways than one.

According to one side the cost will be
about 175.00 per year, the other side has it
at 3100.00 per year.
Beings the bill will be about
2 trillion dollars to implement I go with the
bigger numbers. Where is the money going to
come from to pay this extra 3 grand a year.
That is a car payment to me,and if I want a new car payment
I will buy a new car.

I don't know if there is any upside to this but there
there is a way around part of it.

It is possible to create your own power, using,
wind or solar and more.
Yes, you can increase your MPGs buy building
a hydrogen generator and installing it on your vehicle.

With what this cap and trade bill is going to
cost, all of these will pay for themselves very quickly.