How to Build Wind Power Free with this Earth 4 Energy Package

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Solar Panels-Industrial, Commercial, Home Solar Power Systems

Solar Panels-Industrial, Commercial, Home Solar Power Systems

Tx Phone Number

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cap and Trade Bill may be Expensive

I have been doing a lot of reading, trying to get a handle on this
Cap and Tax bill, so as to define the real costs to us, American Families.

The results went from 175.00 year or .02% of our yearly income, to,
7000.00 per year. But this study that was done was for the year 2020.

I would dearly love to believe the 175.00 theory, but common sense
tells me that is way low. I also believe the 7000.00 could be high, or at least I hope so.

We as innovative Americans, need to be prepared for the worst possible
scenario. We can help ourselves and our neighbors if we want to.

How about we have a look into the future on your egg thing
that you buy in the morning for breakfast on the way to work. The
cost now 2.50, I am just using a number here, you can put in your
own when you start figuring the costs.
Now the farmer that is growing
feed for those chickens has to irrigate his fields, and to power his pumps
he is using electricity. The grain mill uses power to make the grain into chicken feed.
The chicken grower is using this same type of power
to raise the young chicks to adults, now the egg producing farmer is
using power to feed the chickens, clean the eggs run lights, heaters, and so on.
Okay, we got the egg and now it still has be kept cool and then cooked and served.
By the time this is all done, it is not going to be chicken feed any longer,
(pun intended).

Now I didn't add in all the rising costs on all the other things that go with shipping, storing
and more.
In other words, everything that we consume is going to go up.

I guess I will say it again, start getting more independant from the Power
companies, get your wind or solar power station set up today.
There are good tax breaks invoved.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Use of Windmills Today

I don't know if there is such a record, as to when windmills were put in to use
pumping water, but today they do a lot more than that.

Windmills that power a generator to provide electricity for the home owner
is proving to be popular, not discounting the savings on the power bill. Home owners
are adding this type of green power to lower the costs, and also for Tax deductions. If
a person makes more power than one uses, most power companies will buy the rest,
that is a plus in the green program.

In the near future, our government is going to put into place, the Cap and Tax bill, which
is going to raise the price of our power substantially. These big electric companies
are going to pass on the costs directly to us, the consumer.

Now before this happens, all of us need to decide which power alternative is right
for the area we live in and start building accordingly.

Wind power is one of the cheaper ways to go, but if your place of living has sunshine
in abundance,you might want to look at solar power as your alternative.

Wind Power is something that you can do at home to give yourself relief
from the big power bills.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Going Green

Well folks, I do not believe in climate warming as this blog might look, but I do think that being independent is the way to go.

There is a lot being said on the news and in the media about saving the earth from us humans,
but that is not what is needed. We are not powerful enough to ruin this planet,but we can help

The economics is this country (USA) are needing a lot of attention. Yes, I am a causality of
Obama economics, but I am somewhat independent from the companies I am talking about.
By being independent from as many of the big Power and Gas companies
that we can, a person can and will save money and have a feeling of being self sufficient.

Wind and Solar Power are a great alternative to being on the ready made Power Grid.
You can do this without a big expense if you buy the instructions and follow their advice.
All of the materials that you need to build Solar panels and wind mills for Power, you
can buy at your local hardware store. The inverters to change your homemade power from
DC to AC can be found at Amazon.